Troubleshoot ZITADEL
Instance not found​
ID=QUERY-n0wng Message=Instance not found
If you're self hosting with a custom domain, you need to instruct ZITADEL to use the ExternalDomain
You can find further instructions in our guide about custom domains.
We also provide a guide on how to configure ZITADEL with variables from files or environment variables.
upstream sent too big header while reading response header from upstream​
If you operate Zitadel behind a Reverse Proxy or Ingress inside a Kubernetes cluster,
you may encounter an Error like upstream sent too big header while reading response header from upstream
in your NGINX Logs and receive a 403 Error when accessing NGINX.
you can solve it by increasing the grpc buffer size in your nginx config:
Ingress NGINX​
enabled: true
annotations: |
SecRuleRemoveById 949110 "GRPC" |
grpc_set_header Host $host;
more_clear_input_headers "Host" "X-Forwarded-Host";
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $http_x_forwarded_host; "grpc_buffer_size 8k;"
NGINX Config​
http {
server {
listen 80;
http2 on;
location / {
grpc_pass grpc://zitadel-disabled-tls:8080;
grpc_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
grpc_buffer_size 8k;